Recently, a considerable amount of media coverage has focused on sexual harassment as a result of allegations involving celebrities. However, it is important to keep in mind that sexual harassment happens in all sorts of industries, affecting those who...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: October 2017
What is the Family and Medical Leave Act?
While the application of laws related to racial discrimination protects the treatment of minorities in the workplace, their protection also extends to employees of a certain gender or demographic in Kansas City. Say that you are pregnant or are struggling with...
There are two kinds of actionable sexual harassment
Missouri workers outside of the entertainment industry are not immune to the travesties of sexual harassment the employment setting. In recent weeks, the scourge of sexual harassment in the workplace has come front and center in the national news due to the movie...
Most physical therapists have been harassed, report says
A recent survey of physical therapists says more than 80 percent of those surveyed have experienced sexual harassment. Nearly half of the survey participants said they have experienced sexual harassment in the past year.The survey's authors say those statistics...
The importance of taking breaks in the office
Employees in Missouri need breaks throughout the workday in order to recharge their bodies and minds. Although companies have varying regulations regarding the frequency and length of breaks in the office, stepping away from work at some point throughout the day is...
Combatting discrimination at work
Although the business world should offer equal opportunities for all, discrimination frequently infiltrates the workplace. Women in particular often feel the effects of this unethical treatment in Missouri. While gender discrimination is still very prevalent today,...