Whistleblowers will get the protection they deserve after the Missouri Senate unanimously passed a bill that undid a portion of a law enacted last year making it difficult to file a discrimination lawsuit. The House, however, still must review the legislation.A law...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Missouri legislature looks to protect LGBT residents
Timing is everything in politics, and the political climate may be right for Missouri lawmakers to pass legislation protecting the rights of the LGBT community in our state. For the past 20 years, the Missouri legislature has considered similar legislation, but to no...
Missouri law raises standards in discrimination cases
Victims of workplace discrimination in Missouri may no longer sue their tormentors, just the employer, according to a law that went into effect last summer. The law also limits punitive damages the victims may seek, and alters the state’s whistleblower laws...
State settles sexual harassment lawsuit for $1.3 million
It was recently reported that a state government paid millions of dollars over a 30-year period to settle sexual harassment claims.The news came from Florida, where more than $11 million in sexual-harassment settlements was paid for more than 300 cases dating back to...
How to measure a workplace’s sexual-harassment risk
What if there was a way for an organization to measure its sexual-harassment risk? What if it was possible for an employee (or prospective employee) to determine whether a specific workplace is at high risk for sexual harassment?A tool for evaluating sexual-harassment...
Sexual harassment and hostile work environments
Events of the past few weeks and months have demonstrated that sexual harassment is not on the wane in American society. Indeed, sexual harassment exists in all types of organizations.In reading the news reports, you might not have picked up on the fact that there are...
Most physical therapists have been harassed, report says
A recent survey of physical therapists says more than 80 percent of those surveyed have experienced sexual harassment. Nearly half of the survey participants said they have experienced sexual harassment in the past year.The survey's authors say those statistics...
How job misclassification hurts workers
Federal and state laws govern workers' wages and hours. One of the most common wage-and-hour law violations occurs when employers misclassify workers as contractors, instead of employees.Misclassification is an important issue because it can cost workers thousands of...
Man says he was fired for reporting sexual harassment
As you may know, sexual harassment allegations and lawsuits have rocked the high-tech industry recently. The allegations typically involve a female employee who says she was harassed by a male boss or male colleague.A new case involving a high-tech finance company...
Is your place of employment a hostile work environment?
Federal law forbids sexual harassment in the workplace. But the law raises many questions, including: What is sexual harassment in a work environment? Is sexual harassment only physical, or can it be verbal? How frequent does the conduct need to be, in order to be...