If you might have witnessed an incident of sexual assault at work or if you suspect a co-worker is dealing with workplace sexual assault, it can be hard to know what to do. Should you talk to your co-worker? Should you get involved by reporting the incident to Human...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: August 2018
Can men be sexually harassed at work?
It’s true that a vast majority of sexual harassment in the workplace involves women. However, numerous men have also fallen victim to these offenses and they can have devastating effects on both professionally and at home. Markeplace.com offers the following...
Microaggression can have a major impact
While a Missouri employer may never consider promoting one person over another based on racial prejudice, he or she could still miss serious discrimination behaviors. According to Bloomberg, stereotypes and unconscious biases could lead supervisors and others to make...
Frequently asked questions about nursing breaks
If you’re a new mother in Kansas City who’s on her way back to work, you may have questions about nursing breaks. While it’s true that your employer is legally obligated to provide such breaks, knowing the details of the law is crucial to make sure...
How to identify sexual harassment at work
While sexual harassment may seem cut and dry, this is not always the case. In fact, some workers are subject to harassment and are not fully aware of it, although these actions may make them feel uncomfortable. Being able to identify ill-treatment is crucial for...
Kansas City Fire Department faces heat in recent lawsuits
Racial discrimination often flies under the radar, just low enough to avoid detection. But just because it’s flying low doesn’t mean it’s not doing significant damage.In a recent article from The New York Times entitled, Extensive Data Shows...