The American workforce includes all kinds of diverse individuals who lend their varied expertise to many fields. Older members of the workforce bring not only experience, but also hands-on knowledge from extensive time in a career field. While these are valued...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: October 2018
Can enforcing a dress code be sexual harassment?
Most employers in Kansas City may attempt to establish a baseline standard when it comes to workplace expectations. Included in those expectations may be a dress code. While not everyone may be happy with a company's dress code, company representatives are entitled to...
Am I working in a hostile environment?
When it comes to things like race discrimination, you often hear the term hostile work environment thrown around. There is some confusion about the exact definition of a hostile environment at work, as some believe that it simply means obnoxious behavior or mean...
How can my employer create an inclusive work environment?
Sexual harassment in the workplace is a huge issue these days. Along with being unethical, it can also land employers in hot water from a legal perspective. That’s why it’s so important for workplaces to strive to be inclusive, which entails making all...
Can you get paid for not working?
As an employee in Missouri, you rightly expect to receive a fair wage from your employer for the time you spend performing your job duties. However, there are circumstances in which your employer should compensate you for your time even when you are not working....