It is likely universally understood that when you place a group of individuals together in an office environment in Kansas City, there will inevitably be conflicts in personality between at least some of them. For example, one of your coworkers may have a tendency to...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: September 2017
Workplace discrimination victims have higher burden of proof
Workplace discrimination is an issue that affects many people in Kansas City and around the country. Whether it is age, gender, religion, race, or origin-based, it is an all too real reality that many workers find themselves exposed to every day. When employers use...
Are you an at-will employee?
Your worst fear may be to be fired from your job in Kansas City. Yet you likely hold on to the assumption that your employer cannot fire you without for no reason. Is that true? Missouri, like most states, follows the principle of "at-will employment," which basically...
Employee sues state agency after termination
Most people employed in Missouri know that there are very clear laws defining what may be identified as sexual harassment and what is allowed or not allowed in the workplace. Employers in both the private and the public sector should work to create environments safe...
How job misclassification hurts workers
Federal and state laws govern workers' wages and hours. One of the most common wage-and-hour law violations occurs when employers misclassify workers as contractors, instead of employees.Misclassification is an important issue because it can cost workers thousands of...
What is subtle racial discrimination?
Racial discrimination may seem as if it would be easy to identify. The reality is that Missouri employers who discriminate rarely do so in obvious ways. Fortunately for you, the law is prepared for subtle discrimination practices. According to the Equal Employment...