Across the U.S. workplaces everywhere have dress codes that are legally allowed to discriminate against people with natural hair. The Supreme Court has historically upheld employers’ rights to have dress codes, but a new NYC law might change that. What...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: March 2019
What is affirmative action?
It is not uncommon to hear about racial tensions, discrimination or other issues in the news. While many like to believe race discrimination is no longer an issue, it still happens everywhere, even in Missouri. Because race issues are so engrained in this country's...
Time tracking software enables digital wage theft
Missouri employees are entitled to compensation for work they complete. Employers may violate this through a form of workplace larceny known as wage theft. Although traditionally prevalent in the service industry, the popularity of time-tracking software makes digital...
Requirements for a quid pro quo sexual harassment claim
The workplace is where most Missouri adults spend the majority of each day. Moving up in an organization typically requires extra duties and new challenges. However, when it also includes an authority figure suggesting that a sexual favor can ensure the promotion, it...
Is it OK to touch co-workers?
Touch is a common aspect of human interaction. It can be problematic in the workplace however, as some people may find it inappropriate or intimidating in certain contexts. Psychology Today explains more about touch in the workplace and what all employees must...
How do employees and independent contractors differ?
It’s important for workers in Missouri to understand classifications when it comes to employees and independent contractors. How you’re classified influences things like payment schedules and taxes, and it’s imperative that employers abide by the...