Like any working professional in Kansas City, all that you ask for is equal footing with your co-workers. Yet we here at can attest to the fact that, based upon the experiences of some of our past clients, such treatment is not always...
Employment Law
Personal Injury
Month: June 2017
Are empoyers obligated to provide nursing breaks?
If you are a nursing mother in Kansas City, you should know that your employer is obligated to offer breaks based on federal law. Failure to do so is a significant breach of prevailing wage and hour laws, and can subsequently land your employer in hot water from a...
Uber board adopts firm’s advice on harassment, other concerns
When a female former-Uber engineer posted to a blog about her experience with sexual harassment, the front office took notice. When she said management had failed to respond appropriately, the company knew it had to act. After all, the company has been in the middle...
Can a lecherous grin be sexual harassment?
What does sexual harassment look like? Can a grin be sexual harassment? Is there a "gray area" between real harassment and isolated instances of bad behavior? Questions like these make many people hesitant to report sexual harassment.The U.S. Equal Employment...