The workplace is where most Missouri adults spend the majority of each day. Moving up in an organization typically requires extra duties and new challenges. However, when it also includes an authority figure suggesting that a sexual favor can ensure the promotion, it becomes sexual harassment. At Thornberry Brown, LLC, our experienced team often represents clients pursuing harassment claims.
FindLaw reports that quid pro quo occurs when a manager or other individual in authority insinuates that a sexual favor could benefit your position. This could be a promotion, or it could be that by granting the favor, you will not lose your job. This type of situation could also occur during an interview for a job with an organization. Before filing a claim, it is essential to know that you must prove the following elements to a jury:
- That you were an employee or applied for a job
- An employment decision was dependent based on rejection or acceptance of the alleged sexual advances
- Particular job benefits were a condition of accepting or rejecting the alleged conduct
- The purported conduct harmed you
- At the time of the incident, the alleged harasser was in a position of authority with the organization
Courts look for proof that the quid pro quo sexual harassment resulted in significant workplace action, such as loss of a promotion or abrupt release from your position. Claimants must file a complaint within 180 days with the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and before bringing charges against the individual or organization.
You may receive compensation for lost benefits, wages and employment opportunities as well as damages for emotional distress if the court finds merit in your claim. Visit our webpage for more information on this topic.