Kansas City FMLA Retaliation Lawyers
Competent Attorneys Advocating for Employees Across Missouri and Kansas
The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) allows an eligible employee up to 12 weeks of leave for a serious medical condition for themselves or for a family member. While many employers follow the law and treat their employees fairly, there can be instances when an employer retaliates against an employee because of FMLA issues. In this situation, it is a smart idea to seek advice from a lawyer as soon as possible.
At Thornberry Brown, LLC we counsel individuals in regard to FMLA issues every single day. Our law firm is committed to standing up for individuals who have been wronged by their employer in employment law claims. Our Kansas City, Missouri firm only represents the individual employee — meaning we never side with employers or large corporations.
How Can an Employer Retaliate?
If an employee is eligible for FMLA leave, they are entitled to 12 weeks leave under the FMLA. This can be for a family emergency, medical emergency, serious medical condition or for maternity leave. If someone takes an intermittent leave or anticipates taking a leave, an employer might retaliate against them. Employers retaliate against an employee in many different ways, including penalizing or firing the employee.
FMLA cases are often restricted by tight deadlines and have certain steps that must be followed. Our Kansas City FMLA retaliation attorneys have significant experience handling these claims and know how to build a strong argument that supports your case. We have handled FMLA retaliation cases including situations that involved:
- Leave for surgery
- Leave for ongoing, recurrent illnesses or sicknesses
- Leave for other ongoing medical issues
- Leave to take care of a seriously ill family member
- Maternity leave
Maternity/Paternity Leave and FMLA
Employers sometimes retaliate against a woman or man for maternity or paternity leave in many ways. For instance, the employer may fire the employee for taking days off or discriminate against him or her in regard to the pregnancy. If the employer retaliates because of a pregnancy, the situation likely includes components of sex discrimination, gender discrimination or pregnancy discrimination.
If the employer does not follow certain steps in handling these cases, a violation of the law may have occurred. Even if you have brought the situation to your employer’s attention, it is still important to seek a lawyer’s help as soon as possible. Thornberry Brown, LLC are here to provide the guidance you need.
Contact Our Missouri Maternity Leave Attorneys
Contact Thornberry Brown, LLC at 816-531-8383 or at 877-394-5619 to schedule a free initial consultation. We are available to make evening/weekend appointments to meet your convenience.